Bejewled Blitz Keeps You Sharp and Focused


A few rounds of a popular puzzle game could hold over the 50+ gang tone sharp.

Did you bed that casual play has societal benefits beyond just killing time and raking in massive piles of cash? According to a new consider, adults over the age of 50 who play PopCap's Bejeweled Linebacker blitzing felt more alert and had better cognitive focus than earlier. These findings argue that casual games could have a bright future as effective, piquant tools for staving off – or even erasing – the deleterious mental effects of ripening.

PopCap Games (makers of Bejeweled Blitz among umpteen other informal titles) devised the study in conjunction Dr. Susan K. Whitbourne from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Psychological science Nowadays magazine recruited over 10,000 adults from 18 to 80 via their website. These participants realised a survey, where they described their experience with Bejeweled Blitz and their resulting body part states. 42.7% of adults over 50 described that they felt "sharper" while performing other tasks post-stake. Additionally, 22-24% of adults over 65 claimed that they were better able to perform timed tasks and greet patterns post-game.

The study itself is non exactly scientific, since there was no control group and participant answer was subjective rather than tried under testing ground conditions. Furthermore, since the subject area comes by way of the game's developer, IT's good to take it with a grain of salt. That being said, if videogames can keep people's minds limber healed into intervening senesce and beyond, this issue merits further research. "The best psychological feature aging interference in the world is useless if older adults aren't willing and able to engage in IT," says Dr. Steven Flush, a psychologist at the University of Florida. "By investigation attitudes and detected benefits of computer game interventions, this enquiry has the potential to discover game interventions that are some effective and enjoyable."


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