Please Not Starting on Friends After Uploading Configuration File

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The following sections depict how to troubleshoot the Chef Infra Server, Chef Infra Client, and Chef Workstation.

In that location are multiple causes of the Chef 401 "Unauthorized" error, and so please use the sections below to find the mistake message that most closely matches your output. If you are unable to find a matching error, or if the provided steps are unhelpful, please file a help ticket.

Failed to authenticate as ORGANIZATION-validator

If you're receiving an fault like the following information technology near likely means y'all'll need to regenerate the ORGANIZATION-validator.pem file:

            INFO: Customer key /etc/chef/client.pem is not present - registering INFO: HTTP Asking Returned              401              Unauthorized: Failed to authenticate equally System-validator. Ensure that your node_name and client key are correct. FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to c:/chef/enshroud/chef-stacktrace.out FATAL: Net::HTTPClientException:              401              "Unauthorized"                      

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check if the ORGANIZATION-validator.pem file exists in one of the following locations:

                    ~/.chef ~/projects/current_project/.chef /etc/chef                              

    If one is present, verify that it has the correct read permissions.

  2. If at that place'due south no ORGANIZATION-validator.pem file, regenerate it.

    Recreate this file past going to the Chef management console web user interface and selecting Organizations in the upper right side of the screen.

    You lot tin can and so select Reset Validation Primal next to the organization for which the key is to be reset.

Failed to authenticate to

When the values for certain settings in the client.rb file—node_name and client_key—are wrong, information technology volition not be possible to authenticate to the Chef Infra Server. An fault similar to the post-obit is shown:

            Error: Failed to cosign to as USERNAME with key /path/to/USERNAME.pem Response:  Failed to authenticate equally USERNAME. Ensure that your node_name and client key are right.                      

Troubleshooting Steps

  • Verify you have the correct values in your config.rb file, especially for the node_name and client_key settings.

  • Check if the file referenced in the client_key setting (usually USER.pem) exists. Some common locations include:

    • ~/.chef

    • ~/projects/current_project/.chef

    • /etc/chef

      If one is present, verify that it has the right read permissions.

  • If there'due south no client.rb file, regenerate it and ensure the values for the node_name and client_key settings are correct.

System non plant

If yous come across this error when trying to recreate the Organisation-validator.pem, it is possible that Chef Infra Client itself was deleted. In this situation, the ORGANIZATION-validator.pem will demand to be recreated. In these directions, ORGANIZATION should exist replaced with the name of your organization.

To reset a chef-validator key:

  1. Open the Chef management console.

  2. Click Policy.

  3. Click Clients.

  4. Select a chef-validator key.

  5. Click the Details tab.

  6. Click Reset Key.

  7. In the Reset Central dialog box, confirm that the fundamental should be regenerated and click the Reset Fundamental push button:


  8. Copy the individual fundamental:


    or download and salve the private cardinal locally:


Synchronize the clock on your host

If the system clock drifts more than 15 minutes from the actual time, the following type of error will be shown:

            INFO: Client primal /etc/chef/customer.pem is non present - registering INFO: HTTP Request Returned              401              Unauthorized: Failed to authenticate every bit Organization-validator. Synchronize the clock on your host. FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out FATAL: Internet::HTTPClientException:              401              "Unauthorized"                      

To resolve this mistake, synchronize the clock with an NTP server.

All other 401 errors

The general Net::HTTPClientException: 401 "Unauthorized" fault will usually occur for one of 2 reasons.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Brand sure your client.pem is valid.

    This can exist stock-still past deleting client.pem in /etc/chef and deleting the client and node with knife.

    On a management station:

                                      # Dump the current node to JSON                  knife node show NODE_NAME -fJ > NODE_NAME.json  knife client delete FQDN -y knife node delete FQDN -y                              

    On an affected node (as root):

                    rm /etc/chef/client.pem chef-client                              

    When Chef Infra Client runs, information technology will annals the API customer and generate the right key.

    Later successfully running Chef Infra Client on the node, reload the run_list and node attributes:

                    knife node from file NODE_NAME.json                              
  2. Make sure to use the same node_name as the initial Chef Infra Client run.

    This can happen for a number of reasons. For example, if the client.rb file does not specify the correct node name and the system'due south hostname has changed.

    Running chef-client -l debug volition identify the node proper name beingness used by Chef Infra Customer for authentication attempts:

                    DEBUG: Signing the request as SOME_NODE_NAME                              

    This can exist fixed by explicitly setting node_name in the customer.rb file to match the proper noun originally used to register.

                    node_node                  ''                              

    Alternatively, re-register the node using the method described previously.

403 Forbidden

If yous're seeing output like this:

            FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out FATAL: Net::HTTPClientException:              403              "Forbidden"                      

this is an indication that at that place is an issue with permissions on the Chef Infra Server.

Troubleshooting Steps

In Chef, there are two dissimilar types of permissions issues, object specific and global permissions. To effigy out which blazon of permission issue you're experiencing, run Chef Infra Client again using the -l debug options to meet debugging output.

You should run into something similar this up the stack trace:

            DEBUG: Sending HTTP Asking to Mistake: Running exception handlers                      

The URL will help identify the type of permission issue. If the URL is an index action (that is, operating on a collection of resources, like /nodes) and so this is a global permission. If the URL is operating on an example of a collection (/nodes/NODENAME) and then this is an object permission result.

To fix the global permissions:

  1. Log in to the Chef management panel and click on the failing object type (most likely Nodes).

  2. Click on the Permissions sub-tab. Which permission it needs, depends on which request that failed:

    Get - Under the group section, make certain information technology has the List permission checked POST - Under the group section, make sure it has the CREATE permission checked

  3. Check the checkboxes needed and save the updates.

To fix object permissions:

  1. Log in to the Chef direction panel and click on the failing object type (nigh likely Nodes).

  2. Click on the object in the list that is causing the error.

  3. Click on the Permissions sub-tab. Which permission it needs, depends on the blazon of request that failed:

    GET - Make sure information technology has the READ permission checked PUT - Brand sure it has the UPDATE permission checked DELETE - Brand certain information technology has the DELETE permission checked

  4. Check the checkboxes needed and relieve the updates.

500 (Unexpected)

HTTP 500 is a non-specific error message. The full error bulletin for the mistake Chef Infra Client is receiving can exist constitute in one of the following log files:

  • /var/log/opscode/opscode-account/current
  • /var/log/opscode/opscode-erchef/current

The error volition likely found in a stacktrace from the awarding error. In some cases the error message volition conspicuously bespeak a problem with another service which can be investigated further. For non-obvious errors, please contact Chef and attach the log files.

502 / 504 (Gateway)

Determine which API service is returning 504s using the Nginx access logs. API requests returning 504 can be establish with the following command on a frontend:

            grep              'HTTP/1.1" 504'              /var/log/opscode/nginx/access.log                      

The following will extract the URLs and sort them by uniq count:

            grep              'HTTP/ane.i" 504'              nginx-access.log | cutting -d' '              -f8 | sort | uniq -c | sort                      

In a big installation, yous may need to restrict this to a subset of the requests:

            tail -10000 nginx-access.log | grep              'HTTP/1.i" 504'              | cut -d' '              -f8 | sort | uniq -c | sort                      

You can also use the ntail utility.

If the problematic service is a Cerise-based service and the frontend machines take free RAM or CPU, consider increasing the number of worker processes. If the problematic service is opscode-erchef, use the request log to determine whether a particular component of requests is dull.

Workflow Problems

In working with Chef, you'll about likely encounter issues in your regular workflow. This page is a drove of mutual errors our users accept reported while working with Chef. Please use the accordion beneath to select the error bulletin that virtually closely matches your output. If y'all are unable to observe a matching error, or if the provided steps are unhelpful, please file a aid ticket.

No such file or directory

If y'all're seeing an fault like:

            Client key /etc/chef/client.pem is notresent - registering WARN: Failed to              read              the private fundamental /etc/che/validation.pem:              #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /etc/chef/validation.pem>              FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /etc/chef/enshroud/chef-stacktrace.out FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::PrivateKeyMissing: I cannot              read              /etc/chef/validation.pem, which yous told me to use to sign requests                      

It means that Chef Infra Client could not find your validation.pem.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Make sure your validation.pem or ORGANIZATION-validator.pem is downloaded and accessible by the current user.
  2. Make sure your client.rb points to the location of your validator pem.

Commit or stash your changes

This is not actually an mistake, only tin exist confusing to new users. When you effort to install a cookbook with changes that have not been committed to git y'all volition get this error:

            Installing getting-started to /home/jes/chef-repo/.chef/../cookbooks ERROR: You have uncommitted changes to your cookbook repo:  Thousand cookbooks/getting-started/recipes/default.rb  ?? .chef/  ?? log Commit or stash your changes earlier importing cookbooks                      

Troubleshooting Steps

Solve this past committing the cookbook changes. For example, the following command would commit all new changes with the message "updates".

            git commit -am              "Updating so I can install a site cookbook"                      

Re-run the knife supermarket install subcommand again to install the community cookbook.

Cannot find config file

If y'all're seeing an error like:

            WARN: *************************************** WARN: Can not find config file: /etc/chef/client.rb, using defaults. WARN: No such file or directory - /etc/chef/client.rb              # ... output truncated ... #              FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::PrivateKeyMissing: I cannot              read              /etc/chef/validation.pem, which you told me to use to sign requests!                      

Troubleshooting Steps

Work around this issue by supplying the full path to the client.rb file:

            chef-client -c /etc/chef/client.rb                      

Pivotal.rb does non exist

If you're seeing an error like:

            ERROR: CONFIGURATION Fault:Specified config file /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb does not exist                      

Troubleshooting Steps

Run the following to restart all of the services:

              chef-server-ctl reconfigure                          

Because the Chef Infra Server is composed of many dissimilar services that work together to create a functioning system, this footstep may take a few minutes to complete.

External PostgreSQL

The following mistake messages may be present when configuring the Chef Infra Server to employ a remote PostgreSQL server.

CSPG001 (changed setting)


The value of postgresql['external'] has been inverse.

Possible Causes

  • This setting must be ready before running chef-server-ctl reconfigure, and may not be changed after


Upgrading is not supported at this time.


  • Back up the data using knife ec backup, create a new backend example, then restore the data
  • Re-bespeak front stop machines at the new backend example or assign the new backend instance the name/VIP of the former backend instance (including certificates, keys, and and so on)

CSPG010 (cannot connect)


Cannot connect to PostgreSQL on the remote server.

Possible Causes

  • PostgreSQL is not running on the remote server
  • The port used by PostgreSQL is blocked by a firewall on the remote server
  • Network routing configuration is preventing access to the host
  • When using Amazon Spider web Services (AWS), rules for security groups are preventing the Chef Infra Server from communicating with PostgreSQL

CSPG011 (cannot authenticate)


Cannot authenticate to PostgreSQL on the remote server.

Possible Causes

  • Incorrect password specified for db_superuser_password
  • Incorrect user name specified for db_superuser

CSPG012 (incorrect rules)


Cannot connect to PostgreSQL on the remote server because rules in pg_hba are incorrect.

Possible Causes

  • There is no pg_hba.conf rule for the db_superuser in PostgreSQL
  • A rule exists for the db_superuser in pg_hba.conf, but it does non specify md5 access
  • A rule in pg_hba.conf specifies an wrong originating address


Entries in the pg_hba.conf file should let:

  • All user names that originate from any Chef Infra Server case using md5 hallmark.
  • A specific application names: $db_superuser (the configured superuser name in the chef-server.rb file), oc_id, oc_id_ro, opscode_chef, opscode_chef_ro, bifrost, and bifrost_ro
pg_hba.conf User Names

For example, a pg_hba.conf entry for a valid username and password from the 192.0.ii.0 subnet:

            host     postgres     all     md5                      

or, specific named users with a valid countersign originating from the 192.0.two.0 subnet. A file named $PGDATA/chef_users with the following content must be created:

            opscode_chef opscode_chef_ro bifrost bifrost_ro oc_id oc_id_ro                      

where CHEF-SUPERUSER-Proper name is replaced with the aforementioned user name specified by postgresql['db_superuser']. The corresponding pg_hba.conf entry is similar to:

            host     postgres     @chef_users     md5                      

or, using the same $PGDATA/chef_users file (from the previous example), the following example shows a way to limit connections to specific nodes that are running components of the Chef Infra Server.This approach requires more maintenance because the pg_hba.conffile must be updated when machines are added to or removed from theChef Infra Server configuration. For example, a loftier availability configuration with four nodes: backend-1 (,backend-2 (, frontend-1 (, andfrontend-2 (

The respective pg_hba.conf entry is similar to:

            host     postgres     @chef_users     192.0.two.100     md5 host     postgres     @chef_users     md5 host     postgres     @chef_users     md5 host     postgres     @chef_users     md5                      

These changes also crave a configuration reload for PostgreSQL:


pg_hba.conf Application names

Rules in the pg_hba.conf file should permit only specific application names:

  • $db_superuser (the configured superuser proper noun in the chef-server.rb file)
  • oc_id
  • oc_id_ro
  • opscode_chef
  • opscode_chef_ro
  • bifrost
  • bifrost_ro

CSPG013 (incorrect permissions)


The db_superuser account has incorrect permissions.

Possible Causes

  • The db_superuser account has not been granted SUPERUSER access

  • The db_superuser account has not been granted CREATE DATABASE and CREATE ROLE privileges

                    ALTER ROLE                  "                  $your_db_superuser_name                  "                  WITH SUPERUSER                              


                    Alter ROLE                  "                  $your_db_superuser_name                  "                  WITH CREATEDB CREATEROLE                              

CSPG014 (incorrect version)


Bad version of PostgreSQL.

Possible Causes

  • The remote server is not running PostgreSQL version nine.ii.10

CSPG015 (missing database)


The database template template1 does not exist.

Possible Causes

  • The template1 database template has been removed from the remote server


  • Run the following command (every bit a superuser):

                    CREATE DATABASE template1 TEMPLATE template0                              


                    createdb -T template0 template1                              

CSPG016 (database exists)


I (or more than) of the PostgreSQL databases already exists.

Possible Causes

  • The opscode_chef, oc_id, and/or bifrost databases already exist on the remote machine
  • The PostgreSQL database exists for another awarding


  • Verify that the opscode_chef, oc_id, and/or bifrost databases exist, then verify that they are non being used by some other internal application
  • Back upward the PostgreSQL data, remove the existing databases, and reconfigure the Chef server

CSPG017 (user exists)


One (or more) of the PostgreSQL predefined users already exists.

Possible Causes

  • The opscode_chef, ospcode_chef_ro, bifrost, bifrost_ro, oc_id, or oc_id_ro users already exist on the remote machine
  • The postgresql['vip'] setting is configured to a remote host, but postgresql['external'] is non set to true, which causes the opscode_chef and ospcode_chef_ro users to exist created before the machine is reconfigured, which will return a permissions error
  • Existing, valid naming conflicts are present, where the users were created independently of the Chef server


  • Run the following, if it is rubber to practise then, to update the user name that is specified in the fault message:

                    Driblet Part                  "proper noun-of-user";                              

    or alter the name of the user by updating following settings in the chef-server.rb configuration file:

                  oc_id['sql_user'] = 'alternative_username' oc_id['sql_ro_user'] = alternative_username_for_ro_access' opscode_erchef['sql_user'] = 'alternative_username' opscode_erchef['sql_ro_user'] = 'alternative_username_for_ro_access' oc_bifrost['sql_ro_user'] = 'alternative_username' oc_bifrost['sql_ro_user'] = 'alternative_username_for_ro_access'                  


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